First books available
In the library Il etait une fois the first 151 Slovenian books are ready for loan. On this link you can see which books are waiting for you on the shelves (filter to Slovenian). They were all carefully selected and are only the best representatives of Slovenian children's literature (including those that received the award Golden pear.
In order to be able to borrow books, you must be a member of the library.
Reading hours in the library
Unfortunately, the September reading hour is already taken, but you can register for the following reading hours (so far October and November) by clicking on the link through which you can register when the reading hour is published on the library's website. You pay on the day of the reading lesson.
The dates and program of reading hours are available in calendar of events.
Hurry up, because places are very limited (max. 8-10 children)!