Re-voting in the legislative referendum on the Act on the Construction, Management and Management of the Second Track of the Divača-Koper Railway Line (ZIUGDT)
Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia are hereby informed that on Sunday, May 13, 2018, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. local time, a polling station will be open for the referendum at the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels, at the address Rue du Commerce 44, 1000 Bruxelles.
Expats (citizens who are registered a permanent address abroad with the Slovenian authorities) have the option of voting by mail from abroad, but they must notify the State Election Commission of their intention by midnight on April 27, 2018. The deadline is exclusive and the arrival deadline applies. (form Obr01)
Expats who have a permanent address registered with Slovenian authorities in Belgium and accreditation countries (Luxembourg, Ethiopia, Cape Verde) can vote in person at the polling station at the Embassy in Brussels without prior notice.
Housemates (citizens who are temporarily abroad on the day of the referendum, regardless of whether they have a registered temporary address abroad) have the option to inform the National Electoral Commission that they want to vote by mail from abroad or that they want to vote at a diplomatic-consular representation with an open polling station. The deadline for submitting the notification to the National Election Commission is April 27, 2018 by midnight. The deadline is exclusive and the arrival deadline applies. (form Obr02)
An emigrant can also vote at a special polling station "OMNIA"
An emigrant who will be in the Republic of Slovenia on the day of the referendum can decide to vote at a special polling station at the headquarters of the district electoral commission (administrative unit), the "OMNIA" polling station. If an emigrant wants to vote at this polling station, he must inform the State Election Commission about this by midnight on May 9, 2018 at the latest. (form Obr03)
Voters can send notifications about the voting method electronically:
• with a qualified digital certificate:
• without a qualified certificate:
or send the completed form from the attachment (Obr1, Obr2 or Obr3) to DVK. They can do this in three ways:
• by e-mail (scanned for signature) to the e-mail address
• by fax to the number 00 386 143 31 269
• by mail to the address: National Electoral Commission, Slovenska cesta 54, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Additional explanations are available on the website of the National Electoral Commission:
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