On Thursday, Dec. 7, at 6:30 p.m almost 70 people in the Utopia cinema watched the movie play Whisper of a butterfly with English subtitles.
Thank you to everyone who came. See you at the next screening!
On Thursday, Dec. 7, at 6:30 p.m almost 70 people in the Utopia cinema watched the movie play Whisper of a butterfly with English subtitles.
Thank you to everyone who came. See you at the next screening!
Kratko poročilo po nastopu Ivana Mitrevskega v Luksemburgu.
Vabljeni k vpisu otrok na dopolnilni pouk slovenščine in kulture v Luksemburgu za šolsko leto 2024/25.
Nepozabna delavnica z Ivanom Mitrevskim v Luksemburgu.
V torek, 11. junija 2024, ob 20h00, bo v programu »Les concerts du Foyer européen« prvič nastopil tudi slovenski glasbenik 🎶 Lado Jakša 🎷.