On October 18, we Slovenians in Luxembourg spent a wonderful evening in the company of director Petra Seliškar and her moving documentary Body. Thank you all for your participation.
The event was organized by Marina Seliškar.
On October 18, we Slovenians in Luxembourg spent a wonderful evening in the company of director Petra Seliškar and her moving documentary Body. Thank you all for your participation.
The event was organized by Marina Seliškar.
Kratko poročilo po nastopu Ivana Mitrevskega v Luksemburgu.
Vabljeni k vpisu otrok na dopolnilni pouk slovenščine in kulture v Luksemburgu za šolsko leto 2024/25.
Nepozabna delavnica z Ivanom Mitrevskim v Luksemburgu.
V torek, 11. junija 2024, ob 20h00, bo v programu »Les concerts du Foyer européen« prvič nastopil tudi slovenski glasbenik 🎶 Lado Jakša 🎷.