Slolux news

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia visited Luxembourg

As part of the consultations on the future of the EU, on August 29, 2016, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Miro Cerar. During his visit, the president of the Association of Slovenes in Luxembourg, Emil Kos, also responded to the invitation and joined the prime minister on a tour of the Neumünster monastery.

The piece is dr. Cerar presented the association, its activities, vision and plans for the future. He also introduced him to the increasingly connected community of Slovenian men and women living in Luxembourg, their life and activities.

There are more and more of them who are happy to participate in the association's activities and represent their homeland abroad, which is why dr. Cerar promised the association support in further projects to connect Slovenia and Luxembourg. In the Slolux association, we are particularly happy about this, as all expatriate associations are still somehow dependent on help from the homeland.


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