Date(s) - 10/11/2015
20:00 - 21:30
Grand Théâtre de la Ville du Luxembourg
10. novembra ob 20h00 bo v Grand Théâtre prva predstava, za katero smo v Slolux rezervirali karte. Pred predstavo bo sprejem v dvorani Mezzanine v 2. nadstropju gledališča, kjer se bomo v prijetnem ambientu skupaj s člani organizacije NAIEF ob neformalnem druženju srečali ob kozarčku penine.
Čas: Predstava se prične ob 20h00, v dvorani Mezzanine se dobimo od 19h00 dalje.
Cena vstopnic: člani: 18 € odrasli in 7,50 € otroci, nečlani: 22 € odrasli in 9 € otroci
Vstopnice boste dobili v dvorani Mezzanine pred predstavo!
Predstava je že razprodana: Slolux ima zadnje karte.
Razširite glas. 🙂
Opis v ANG:
From its very conception Dios proveerá had a life of its own. Director David Bobée was originally committed to another piece, when on a trip to Colombia he discovered the eleven artists from the Gata Cirko de Bogota. He immediately felt the intensity of these artists and realised he had to create something for them. The result is an intense piece that focuses on the power and expressive force of the artists’ stories and commitments. Bobée saw in the acrobats’ bodies an inner conflict, and believed its sole purpose was to resist external violence. This he related to the external influences so prevalent in Columbia; when artistically channelled and combined with vibrant music this energy became the vital, brutal force that we witness in Dios proveerá.
Primer predstave:
Bookings are closed for this event.