Slolux events

Dobrodelna akcija – Božiček za en dan

Date(s) - 02/12/2020
All Day


At the host's home


Drage Slovenke in Slovenci v tujini.

Do you still remember the feeling when you hoped that Santa Claus would come to you on Christmas Eve? And how was opening presents in the morning?

V Sloveniji je na tisoče takih, ki letos tega občutka ne bodo doživeli. Vsaj ne, če ne bomo pomagali… Zato smo se v društvu odločili, da se priključimo akciji »Božiček za en dan«, s katero skupina neumornih prostovoljcev s Savino Goličnik na čelu že deveto leto zapored riše nasmehe na obraze otrok in starostnikov iz socialno šibkejših okolij, ki imajo zelo preproste želje, a vseeno zanje nedosegljive. Zato so pisali Božičku…

Trenutno je na seznamu več kot 5.600 otrok in več kot 1.000 starostnikov, and the list is updated daily; last year they gave gifts to over 13,000 people.

In Slovenia, 'Božička' prepares a gift and sends it to a collection point, from where hardworking elves and their partner organizations deliver it to the recipients. The average value of a gift is around €45. You can read more about the campaign at this link.

Since Santa Claus cannot pick up gifts abroad (postage is expensive), we decided to help with donations - the friendly elves offered to go to the store and buy and prepare gifts for those who will be left without. If there are none (which we all want), Santa will use the donations for delivery costs. And snacks, because good men and dwarves have to eat too...

Zato v letošnji akciji društva Slolux zbiramo ‘Božičke’. For €45 you can become Santa Claus for 1 person. The more people you can gift, the better.

Akcija bo odprta do vključno 1. decembra 2020.

We kindly invite you to spread the word. Due to Covid, many of them were left without company in the face of daily hardships - they should not be left without gifts. This year we are sharing smiley faces for Christmas.

PS: Santa is immune to Covid so delivery is safe. 😉

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