Dopolnilni pouk slovenščine in kulture v Luksemburgu
Vabljeni k vpisu otrok na dopolnilni pouk slovenščine in kulture v Luksemburgu za šolsko leto 2024/25.
Vabljeni k vpisu otrok na dopolnilni pouk slovenščine in kulture v Luksemburgu za šolsko leto 2024/25.
Nepozabna delavnica z Ivanom Mitrevskim v Luksemburgu.
Obvestilo Urada za Slovence po svetu! Drage Slovenke in Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu! Zadnje obdobje smo na uradu kar nekaj časa in
Slovenija se bo udeležila Evropskega festivala v Luksemburgu 9. maja 2024 od 12.00 do 17.00 v prostorih Evropskega parlamenta, stojnica št. 43!
Splošna pojasnila glede izvedbe treh posvetovalnih referendumov. Glasovanje se bo izvedlo v nedeljo 9. junija 2024 sočasno z volitvami poslancev Republike Slovenije v Evropski
Podprite Slovenca Staša Čakša na polfinalu 3. mednarodnega tekmovanja klasične kitare v Luksemburgu.
Veleposlaništvo RS v Bruslju posreduje skupek informacij glede volitev v Evropski parlament, 9. 6. 2024.
Martina Ipša ponovno nasmejala Luksemburg. Tokrat tudi v hrvaščini in angleščini.
The one and only Martina Ipša is coming to Luxembourg. The author of the hit comedy Everyone is crazy except us will present the best-of from her career.
The World Slovenian Congress invites Slovenian children to join them at the 28th Camp of Slovenian children around the world, which will take place from Sunday, July 7,
Hello, on Saturday, March 16, a weaving workshop for children will take place in the Slovenian language at the Subtile gallery (21A Avenue Gaston Diderich, L-1420 Luxembourg). Guided her
In the Slolux association, we are dedicating this charity campaign to the Glasbenik sem fund and the Sapramiška fund. The purpose of the program is to provide help and support to children and young people from
Suggest which Slovenian products you would like to find on the shelves of the new KAD European Parliament store.
On Thursday, February 6, 2024, we organized a celebration in Dommeldange on the occasion of the Slovenian Cultural Day. Check out the pictures.
Are you interested in studying at universities in Slovenia? You are cordially invited to the online presentations in February. The presentation prepared by the Study in Slovenia team will take place in
The Center for Slovenian as a Second and Foreign Language invites you to the Slovenian Course for students who want to study in Slovenia. An online course that will be held twice
Dear Slovenians, esteemed residents of Luxembourg! On Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., we will celebrate Slovenian Culture Day in Dommeldange. The celebration will be dedicated to Srečko Kosovel,
The collection of items for aid in Slovenia will continue in 2024.
Join us at the opening of the Soft Stone exhibition and feel the sculptural textile art of the Slovenian artist Katarina Spacal.
All users get a 10 % discount on the already low shipping prices within the EU via Eurosender.
More than 70 people watched the winter blockbuster in Luxembourg!
Slovenians abroad collected €1,334.75 for gifts to the socially disadvantaged.