Slolux events

Koncert skupine HeavenLux

Date(s) - 24/11/2018
20:00 - 23:59


Spot 48


Dear Slovenians,

Get ready for a mega concert. A Slovenian group is coming to Luxembourg


Gre za nepopolno zasedbo skupine HeavenX, del katere je tudi naš dragi Uroš Maver. Skupina nas bo v svet rock&roll-a popeljala  v soboto, 24. novembra, ob 20:00 v diskoteki  Spot 48  (aka Pri Maret).

Tickets can be purchased in advance at a single price of €10, and at the door the price of tickets will be €13. V predprodaji lahko kupite tudi komplet 5 kart za ceno 40 €.

You are welcome.

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Bookings are closed for this event.

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