Slolux events

Ponovne volitve v UO društva Slolux za mandatno obdobje 2018/20

Date(s) - 10/05/2019
20:00 - 21:00



Dear members of the Slolux association!

Skladno s pravilnikom društvo Slolux sklicuje izredni letni občni zbor in razpisuje volitve za upravni odbor (UO) za mandatno obdobje 2018/20, ki bo on Friday 10 May 2019 at 20:00 in Luxembourg. The exact location of the event will be announced later.

The following positions are advertised:

  • president/president
  • treasurer/treasurer
  • vice-president/vice-president

Svojo udeležbo do vključno nedelje, 5. maja 2019, na email, v katerem omenite, koliko oseb pride z vami. Lokacijo dogodka bomo glede na število udeležencev sporočili predvidoma v ponedeljek, 6. maja 2019.

In the following, the masculine gender is used to refer to persons of both sexes.

Briefly about the conduct of the elections

Any full member (i.e. independent member or member enrolled as part of the family membership fee) aged 18 or over can run for the Board of Directors. Candidatures are submitted on the spot as part of item 5 of the agenda below.

All full members can vote.

In the case of the election of one of the members of the supervisory board to the Supervisory Board, elections for a substitute member of the supervisory board will also be held immediately.

Detailed regulations on the conduct of elections are available at this link.

Place and date of the event

Elections will be held at the extraordinary annual general meeting, namely on Friday 10 May 2019 at 20:00 in Luxembourg. The exact location of the event will be announced later.

The meeting agenda is as follows:

  1. quorum check
  2. report of the board of directors for the mandate period 2015/16
  3. report of the supervisory board
  4. proposals to change the regulations
  5. submission of candidacies
  6. presentation of candidates and elections
  7. misc

Proposals to change the policies are submitted on the spot.

Before the event, the registration of new members will take place, who can then immediately apply for the advertised positions. You will also be able to pay the annual membership fee at the event.

Come in as many as possible.

For the board of directors of Slolux:
Emil Kos, president


Svojo udeležbo do vključno nedelje, 5. maja 2019, na email, v katerem omenite, koliko oseb pride z vami. Lokacijo dogodka bomo glede na število udeležencev sporočili predvidoma v ponedeljek, 6. maja 2019.

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