Slolux news

Otroška predstava »Škratka na delu« v Luksemburgu

Dear children and parents,

this year, December will be brightened up for the fourth time by a theater performance for children. This time we will be visited by the Kolenc theater, which has been delighting children with very successful performances in Slovenia for many years. It will bring us a real adventure called The Elf at Work.

Predstava bo v soboto, 1. decembra 2018, starting at 10.30 in the club Altrimenti in the city centre. We open the doors at 10:00.

Po predstavi bo otroke tudi letos obiskal dobri mož…

After the event, you are all invited to the Slovenian stand at the charity Christmas fair of the European School in Mamer.

Več informacij in vstopnice na this link.

POZOR: Ker je predstava tudi v Bruslju, se pred nakupom prepričajte, da kupujete karte za pravi kraj!

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