Slolux events

Otroška predstava Čarobni prazniki

Date(s) - 02/12/2017
11:00 - 12:00




Dear children and parents,

letos nam bo december že tretjič polepšala gledališka predstava za otroke. Tokrat nas bo obiskalo gledališče Enostavno prijatelji, ki v Sloveniji že več let razveseljuje otroke z zelo uspešnimi predstavami. Nam bo pripeljalo izjemno interaktivno predstavo polno plesa, smeha, čarovnij in nenavadnih preobratov z naslovom Čarobni prazniki, ki so jo zaigrali že več kot 250 krat!

Brief content of the play:
Snežna angelska vila se pripravlja na novoletno praznovanje. Kot nalašč pa ji gre vse narobe. Še sestrice snežinke nočejo skočiti na zemljo. Če ni snega, prazniki niso čarobni. Ko preizkusi že vse svoje trike in skoraj obupa, se spomni na starega prijatelja čarovnika Uršulina, ki praznikom s pomočjo otrok vrne barve in pričara snežinke.

Otroci bodo pri čarovnijah pomagali z že izdelanimi čarobnimi palčkami, predstava pa bo zagotovo nekaj posebnega, saj bo v njej celo snežilo. A to naj ostane skrivnost.

Po predstavi bo tradicionalno otroke obdaril Miklavž, seveda pa na koncu ne bo manjkala animacija s plesom in glasbo, kot se spodobi za veseli december.

Predstava je primerna za otroke do 10. leta.
Trajanje: 35 min

Predstava bo v soboto, 2. decembra 2017, s pričetkom ob 11h v klubu Altrimenti v centru mesta. Vrata odpremo ob 10:30.

 PRICE OF TICKETS Members Non-members
Children's 13 € 18 €
Grown up 15 € 20 €
Children <= 2 years 3 € darilo, predstava brezplačno 3 € darilo, predstava brezplačno


  • It is because of the capacity of the hall the number of tickets is limited to 150 in so naprodaj do 27. novembra 2017 do 23:59 ure. Due to the preparation of gifts, it is important that the organizers know how many children will come to the show, so the possibility of buying tickets at the door will only be possible in exceptional and very limited cases. Please let us know if you plan to buy your ticket at the door Silvija Žagar.
  • Once tickets are sold out, sales will automatically stop, so buy your tickets as soon as possible.
  • Za otroka do dveh let je predstava brezplačna, če pa želite, da prejme darilo, opravite nakup “darila za otroka do dveh let”.
  • A printed receipt of payment is valid as a ticket.
  • Unfortunately, it is not possible to refund the purchase price of an already paid ticket. Please understand. For any additional information, please contact Silvija Žagar.


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  1. In which cases can I request a refund?
     Unfortunately, it is not possible to refund the purchase price of an already paid ticket. Please understand.
  2. Why such a price difference between member and non-member tickets?
     The organization of such an event is a big deal not only from a personnel (time) point of view, but also and above all from a financial point of view. Membership fees provide us with the financial support we need to be able to organize such an event. In practice, therefore, you enable members to organize such events - and you are suitably rewarded for this.
  3. Is there a minimum number of participants required to run the event?
     No. Thanks to membership fees and donations from various sources, the event can be held even in the case of poor attendance.
  4. How can I pay?
     You can pay for tickets by PayPal or bank card. If you have neither a bank card nor a PayPal account, or if you have problems with payment, please contact Emil.
  5. The price of tickets is quite high...
     Do not forget that we organize events abroad - in addition to the costs of renting the hall and the performance, there are usually also the costs of transportation, accommodation, per diems, etc. Please also note that we have a very small target audience (a total of 694 Slovenians were registered in Luxembourg on January 1, 2017).



This event is fully booked.

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